How to Replace a Window

How to Replace a Window

Removing a Old Window – How to Replace a Window: Part 1 If you have a Old Window that just does not do the trick anymore it might be time to replace it. You can pickout a new window often times at Home Depot or Lowes that is a Standard Size and do a quick...

How to prevent ear infections or aches!

How to prevent ear infections or aches! Are you sick of getting Ear Aches or Ear infections in the Summer time after going in the water? Well i seem to have this issue as well but love the water and hate putting ear plugs in! they always fall out and i lost them! So here is […]

How to prevent ear infections or aches! Are you sick of getting Ear Aches or Ear infections in the Summer time after going in the water? Well i seem to have this issue as well but love the water and hate putting ear plugs in! they always fall out and i lost them! So...